RunCalc DocumentationFAQLoginRegister

Frequently Asked Questions
I downloaded the application, but I do not know where it has been installed. (Java)

This is a common problem. Depending on your mobile phone, application can be installed in the phone memory or memory card and in different folders, e.g. Games, Applications. In this situation I recommend downloading the application again, and carefully monitoring phone messages during the installation.

I get Out Of Memory Error java/lang/OutOfMemoryError. (Java)

You probably have an old phone. You can try to extend memory for Java applications. If it's not possible, install an older version of RunCalc that should work on your phone, e.g. 1.40. On Nokia 7020 I have similar error only when I go to Marathon Game records and then I choose "Info" course, but it's a small problem.

I log in every month to download the code. Sometimes there is a problem because I want to run the application, but I do not have access to my PC. Apparently I can download the code directly from my phone. How can I do it? (Java, Android)

On RunCalc settings screen you should enter your RunCalc ID, password, and switch on Internet connection (Internet = Yes). Data is stored in phone memory, so there will be no necessity to fill in these fields again. If access code is invalid for a given month, the application will connect to the Internet and download the current code.

I've installed Android version 4:00. Sorry, but the idea of access code is absurd. Maybe if it could download the code from the app, that would do. The mobile app is useless because you can't check the code. (Android)

Thank you form your opinion. Access code lets me verify how many people use the app and ecourages them to visit RunCalc web site regularly and download upgrades. Starting from version 4:02, RunCalc can download the code automatically.

I'd like to send training data from my cell phone, but while trying to connect I get this message on Setup screen: " Error in HTTP operation". I use Internet browser on the phone and I have no problem with access to the Internet. What is the problem? (Java)

Indeed, the problem can occur on some phone models. The reason is that J2ME applications sometimes do not know what access point they should use. I recommend adding new access point, by defining its name to "Access Point". You can do it in your phone configuration. Please provide details as specified by your network operator (access point, user name, password) and then activate this point, as preferred. After this operation Java applications should have no problem to connect to the Internet.

I use Samsung B2710 Solid (Java) and do not know how to erase characters when I type any digits to textboxes. For example, this problem will occur while entering a new access code or changing other data in the application. (Java)

The problem concerns not only RunCalc, but all of Java applications running on your phone (forum example). For non-numeric fields, you can hold down the '#' key. From version 3.20 the access code field is cleared after second wrong type, so this problem has been bypassed.

The application hangs in fractions of a second when sound is played. (Java)

It depends on phone model. In some cases, this problem may occur. If this is inconvenient, you can turn off the sound.

When I registered on portal, I filled random RunCalc ID, because I did not know exactly what it was. Is it possible to change this ID?

RunCalc ID can be changed. Once you log into the portal, go to your profile and update your data.

My antivirus (AVG Android) shows that RunCalc is harmful and it suggests uninstalling the application. Why is that so?

It is hard to say why antivirus recognizes the application as harmful. Maybe it's because it is not signed. I can only assure you that your application is not harmful, but may be useful ;-)

My phone does not have a built-in GPS. How does RunCalc connect to an external GPS device? (Java)

RunCalc supports connection to an external Bluetooth GPS module. This way of communication should be available on most phones. A module can read GPS coordinates and send them to your phone via Bluetooth. The advantage is that external modules get better signal than built-in GPS modules. Connection to an external device can be easily configured on GPS settings screen. I conducted my tests on Vodafone Bluetooth GPS.

I am a newly registered RunCalc user and the problem is that RunCalc running on my phones (Nokia models) in the mode GPS or GPS autolap mode is blocked periodically (at equal intervals inquiries about the position of the Bluetooth GPS module). The question arises: "Allow the application to get your current location? This application is not from a trusted supplier". (Java)

This is permissions case that can occur on a few Nokia models. You can easily solve it. For RunCalc choose: Options -> Application access. Next set: Communication -> Network access -> Ask first time; Connectivity -> Always allowed; Positioning -> Get location -> Ask first time. Unfortunately, permissions cannot be set during installation because RunCalc.jar is not signed.

GPS in RunCalc doesn't show elevation (it's always 0). (Java)

The problem might have occurred on some devices. It has been solved since version 3.36.

I have tested the app while driving my car. I noticed that the distance measured by RunCalc is much shorter than I expected. (Java, Android)

Standard algorithm for distance measurements in RunCalc limits unexpected distance changes, if their speed exceeds 44 km/h (Java) or limit set on Android. If the measurement is made by car, you should download the latest version of the application and set Speed limit in GPS options to "No". When you run, it is better to set this parameter to "Yes" because it limits the strange changes when GPS signal is poor.

I'm not satisfied with altitude indication in RunCalc. It makes frequent changes, altitude in my neighbourhood was extended by 30 m.

GPS is 3 times less accurate while measuring vertical position than horizontal one (even coordinates are sometimes inaccurate by tens of meters). We don't have influence on Global Positioning System. Algorithm in RunCalc flattens such elevation changes but it cannot solve the problem completely. In bad weather on flat terrain you can switch off GPS option "Distance + elevation" because otherwise "artificial" GPS changes may extend distance measured by RunCalc.

I set GPS autolap to 30 m and RunCalc finished registering my training after 150 laps. Is that a limit? (Java, Android)

Stopwatch of each type is limited to 150 laps, except of "referee" which can register up to 400 records. You should plan your course beforehand and set a suitable autolap. When I run up to 15 km, I set 100 m, if it's more - 200 m and 333 m for a marathon. If you exceed the limit in GPS autolap you can export the course to GPX file and all course points will be saved.

I don't know how to set a proper path for GPX file export. (Java)

If you have memory card in your phone, it's probably E drive, so "E:/". You can also create a folder for that kind of file, e.g. I have "F:/RunCalcGPX".

I cannot set intervals. After setting Interval and Break I click OK and get "Intervals OK". What should I do next? (Java, Android)

So far, everything is OK. You should start stopwatch and RunCalc will play sounds (whistles) at the beginning and at the end of each interval. Remember to set sound on. You can do it on Settings screen.

How can I send my registered training from Android phone?

Go to History list and keep your finger on chosen training for a moment. A context menu should appear with Send option.

How can I import a map from RunCalc portal? Maps screen is empty and I cannot find any option to import a map. (Android)

You should press Android options button. It should be available in either lower left or lower right corner of Android phone. On some devices you should keep it pressed for a while. Sometimes there's is also an additional icon with three circles. When options menu is open and you still cannot see Import button, check Internet settings - you should set it to Yes or Lap.

How can I post my training on Facebook?

Publishing on Facebook works automatically after sending training to portal but some configuration is required. Please, read this article.

How can I import my GPX file to RunCalc Android application?

You should create an empty training of type GPS on RunCalc portal, import GPX file on portal, run RunCalc app, go to History, press Import and set the 4-digit run ID that you can see on RunCalc portal.

Where are GPX files stored? (Android)

You can find them on device storage in RunCalc folder, along with Panoruna pictures. You can also upload custom maps there.

Is it possible to install RunCalc on Windows Phone? (Windows Phone)

No, but you can use RunCalc web application, available on:

Are you going to issue RunCalc for iPhone? (iPhone)

In the near future it is not planned. This would require rewriting thousands of lines of code and maintain two versions of application for different environments. You can use RunCalc web application, available on:

I tested stopwatch GPS in RunCalc web application on Android. I couldn't get GPS signal. (web application)

Try to configure your settings: Settings -> Location & security -> Use wireless networks - off, Use GPS satellites - on.

I can get GPS signal in web app but RunCalc doesn't seem do measure distance when the phone is in my pocket. (web application)

RunCalc may be inactive when a phone is locked. Don't lock your phone and disable auto locking. On Android you can do it like that: Settings -> Display -> Screen timeout -> 30 minutes. Set brightness to low to save energy. Using armband with unlocked phone inside is strongly recommended.

(c) 2010 - 2024 Robert Celiński, Byledobiec Anin