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Mobile application for runners

RunCalc on Google Play

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Download RunCalc 16.10 (Android)

Web app

Download RunCalc 3.59 (Java)
(older phones, e.g. Nokia)

RunCalc news

RunCalc na Chudym Wawrzyńcu 2023

Interval training with RunCalc
Peak search
GPS track management in RunCalc
RunCalc stopwatch with Auto+ option
RunCalc Course Player
Exercise with RunCalc
GPS stopwatch on Android
Draw a course and edit your training on RunCalc portal
Privacy settings
SOS button in RunCalc
GPS stopwatch in Java version

RunCalc stats

RunCalc has been installed by 5872 users from 194 countries

Active users this month: 16

New users

Sławomir Kożlik (Danon)
Sebastian Kostański (LifeTrip)
Mateusz Lukaszewicz (Mateluka )
Cambridgeshire Bos (94318)
Devon Connelly Klein (parsing)
Rafal Kwaczala (Lerrai)
Ewa Dryja (Ew_Mag)
Tomasz Przybył (1960)
Nie Podam (Poriot)
Andrzej Jonski (Jontek)

Last logged in

RunCalc Tester (tester) - phone
Sławomir Wójcik (Slymode) - portal
Elżbieta Kasiarz (ellaa) - portal
Kamilla Jarosz (Kama5) - portal
Kamilla Jarosz (Kama5) - portal
Sławomir Kożlik (Danon) - portal
Sławomir Kożlik (Danon) - portal
Józef Figiel (Joseff2) - portal
Kamilla Jarosz (Kama5) - portal
Kamilla Jarosz (Kama5) - portal

New runs

2025-03-20, 12:51 (admin)
2025-03-20, 06:01 (admin)
2025-03-19, 06:00 (admin)
2025-03-18, 06:23 (admin)
2025-03-17, 07:06 (admin)
2025-03-16, 07:36 (admin)
2025-03-15, 06:08 (admin)
2025-03-14, 06:19 (admin)
2025-03-13, 06:38 (admin)
2025-03-12, 16:26 (admin)

New peaks

Slymode - Bukowiński Wierch (BOP) (Beskid Orawsko-Podhalański)
Slymode - Wysznia (Gorce)
ellaa - Chełmiec (Lipnik) (Beskid Makowski)
Kama5 - Lisia Góra (Góry Bardzkie)
Kama5 - Lisia Góra (Przedg. Sud.) (Przedgórze Sudeckie)
woyna - Góra Lemana (Wzgórza)
StaryPajonk - Jagodna (Góry Bystrzyckie)
StaryPajonk - Jagodna Płn. (Góry Bystrzyckie)
Danon - Pilsko (SK) (Beskid Żywiecki)
Danon - Rysy (PL/SK) (Tatry)

Admin stats

Mountain ranges stats


My name is Robert Celiński. Running is my passion, programming is my job and hobby. After running over 100 marathons on 7 continents I know what runners need to calculate before, during and after their trainings and races. Moreover, in most cases they need to do it fast. I thought it could be great to do all the sophisticated calculations on a mobile phone that is very easily accessible even during your training.

RunCalc is a free application that you can install on your mobile phone. It works on all phones supporting Java and Android apps. RunCalc web application works on all devices with Internet connection (e.g. iPhone, Windows Phone). RunCalc offers a lot of calculators, heart rate monitor, pedometer, converter and 7-language translator. You can train and measure other runners' time using advanced stopwatch with GPS (built-in or Bluetooth module). Data from your mobile phone can be sent to Internet and your supporters can track you on-line or get SMS messages after each your km/mile. RunCalc is translated into 7 languages, covers both metric and imperial units and conversion between them. Additional feature is RunCalc Game that allows you to run on popular marathon courses and compete with elite runners. You can play the game not only by pressing the keys but also while running (the game may be connected do GPS). The application is connected to RunCalc portal, where you can watch your trainings and draw a running course on a map.

If you want to run and count faster, you can count on RunCalc ;-)

RunCalc application privacy policy

(c) 2010 - 2025 Robert Celiński, Byledobiec Anin